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Hawaii's Kazumura Cave - Longest and deepest lava tube in the world

Kazumura Cave - Hawaii Kazumura Cave is a lava tube located on the island of Hawaii on the eastern slope of Kilauea, the most recently active volcano on the Big Island. The cave has been surveyed at 40.7 miles long and 3,614 feet deep making it the longest and deepest lava tube in the world. Kazumura is just one of the numerous lava tubes created by the Aila'au lava flow which originated from the Kilauea Iki Crater about 500 years ago.

Today, the Kazumura Cave, and the other interconnecting caves, has become a prime adventure tour destination in Hawaii. The vast caverns created by lava flows and the amazing formations are a sight to behold, a testament to the magnificent power of nature.

Kazumura Cave tours are unique underground experiences. However, you must wear appropriate attire and have the necessary equipment for your safety. It is best to wear long pants and closed toe, rubber soled shoes when joining the tours. The floor of the caves can be ragged and slippery because of moisture. Helmets are also a must. And of course, a light source to see from the stark darkness and enjoy what you came there for. Most of the equipment are usually provided by the tour guide.

Guests are also required to wear gloves as the microorganisms in the cave system are very fragile. Leaving behind human skin oils from your finger tips can wreak havoc to the minute cave dwellers. While you can take as many photographs as you want while inside the cave, it is prohibited to touch or take anything from lava tube. So don't even think about taking that lava rock as a souvenir!

Exploring the Kazumura Cave can be a two-hour tour or more, depending on how deep you want to go along the lava tubes. An experienced guide will educate you along the way about how the tubes were formed, what factors help create the different lava formations and other noteworthy information about the cave.

Kazumura Cave, Hawaii Photo Gallery


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